类别: 投资咨询


黛博拉E. 五月, Co-founder and Senior Advisor of 五月 Barnhard Investments, Recognized by Bethesda Magazine

黛博拉E. 五月, co-founder and senior advisor of 五月 Barnhard Investments, 老葡京手机app的收费财富管理子公司, was recognized in Bethesda Magazine’s Readers’ Picks as a finalist in the Top Financial Advisors category. 在MBI网站上了解更多信息. 委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app) is a professional services firm delivering tax, accounting and business advisory expertise throughout the Mid-Atlantic region from offices in 马里兰州贝塞斯达和华盛顿, DC.


巴恩哈德投资公司会继续增长吗, Welcoming Two New Team Members and Expanding the Firm’s Client Service Capacities and Expertise

梅·巴恩哈德投资公司(MBI), a 马里兰州贝塞斯达-based fee-only wealth management firm and a subsidiary of 委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app), expanded its client service capacities and expertise by welcoming Stephanie Anderson, 非洲金融共同体, CFP®, CDFA®, a wealth manager with more than 30 years of experience in the investment management and strategy 咨询 industries, 和丽莎·西佩尔, a manager with more than 20 years of operations management and accounting experience. Stephanie Anderson 和丽莎·西佩尔 represent the newest team members to join… 阅读更多›


Judy Barnhard 斯蒂芬妮·安德森 to Present on Investment Policy Development at 2023 GWS注册会计师 Nonprofit Symposium

朱迪斯·P. Barnhard, 注册会计师, CFP®, CDFA®, an executive vice president and director of professional services, 老葡京手机app的财富管理和财务规划, 斯蒂芬妮·安德森, 非洲金融共同体, CFP®, CDFA®, manager of divorce 财务规划 and wealth management at 老葡京手机app, are scheduled to present on December 12 at the 2023 Greater Washington Society of 注册会计师s Nonprofit Symposium. 他们的会话, entitled Investing for Impact: A Guide to Not-for-Profit Investment Policies, 安排在上午8点到8点50分, 将讨论一个… 阅读更多›



成功的投资可以带来巨大的利润. But the stocks with the greatest potential tend to be the riskiest. 潜在的风险并不总是显而易见的. 事实上, there are several different types of risks for investors to consider, 基于你投资组合的资产配置. Here are six ways to review and calculate the risk of an investment before you decide to put down your money: 1. 市场风险. This is the risk that the price will decline due to market factors… 阅读更多›



梅·巴恩哈德投资公司(MBI), the wealth management subsidiary of 委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app, 周三庆祝了成立十周年, 10月11日, at the Marriott Bethesda Downtown at Marriott HQ in Bethesda, 马里兰. The MBI team celebrated in an intimate gathering alongside several clients and 老葡京手机app partners for hors d’oeuvres and conversation. 点击这里查看庆祝活动的照片.



  For many people, getting better at budgeting is near the top of their to-do list. However, developing and sticking to a budget isn’t always a simple task. 创建复杂的电子表格, learning budgeting software and dealing with spending restrictions — all of these things can end up derailing even the most dedicated budgeter. Here’s a synopsis of a simple — but effective — approach to budgeting. The Mechanics Start by splitting your monthly income into three simple “buckets” or budget… 阅读更多›


How to Prepare for Buying a House in the Current Housing Market

  从高价格和利率到需求增加, 现在是买房特别困难的时候. 但不知道市场下一步会怎么做, becoming financially prepared to buy a home moves you one step closer to making it happen. 在本教程中, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to financially prepare for this large purchase, 即使是在当前的房地产市场. Before Looking at a House Assess Your Current Financial Situation Before… 阅读更多›


Unleashing the Future: The Power of Investing in Artificial Intelligence

在数字时代, the term “artificial intelligence” (AI) has transcended science fiction to become a driving force behind technological advancements. As AI rapidly reshapes society, its potential for investors has become increasingly evident. 这篇博文深入探讨了投资人工智能的领域, 探索其指数增长背后的原因, 潜在的风险, 以及最大化回报的策略. The AI Revolution: Unprecedented Growth and Innovation Artificial intelligence, 简单来说, refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by… 阅读更多›


Smart 财务规划 for Younger Professionals (II): Managing Debt, 保护你的亲人和税务规划

这篇文章出现在一个更长的, more detailed white paper with exclusive content focused on building a strong financial foundation for early career stage professionals. 在此下载白皮书. 管理你的债务并不是所有的债务都是坏账, especially if you have a low interest rate that’s helping you finance an asset and thus increasing your net worth. A mortgage is an example of what is typically considered a good debt. 学生贷款如果你有学生贷款,那… 阅读更多›



Bonds have a reputation as a “safe” investment compared to stocks. 在某些方面,这是对的. 但它们也有风险, which is why investment advisors generally recommend that people in typical circumstances keep a balanced portfolio — in other words, 包括股票和债券的组合. 如果你有退休储蓄账户, 你可能确实持有股票和债券, 包含在大型机构管理的基金中, 比如退休目标日期基金. 当你购买债券时…… 阅读更多›